Vehicles must be able to be street legal. (Be able to pass a vehicle inspection to get plates)
PPE – Arms and Legs must be covered – Non-Polyester material
Vehicle must retain OEM structure (No gutting)
“Body swaps” Not allowed
Tires must be DOT approved, limited to 33” in diameter
3 "mods" total allowed
Total overall lift limited to 4” (includes body and suspension combined) (Mod)
Intake and Carb is one Mod
Fuel Injection - Increase in CFM and chip is one mod on GAS ONLY! (no chipped diesels!)
No aftermarket Heads
No blowers, aftermarket turbo's,
No performance enhancing fuels (VP Racing, nitrous, propane injection etc.)
Gas and Diesel only, (Diesels must be Stock HP no programmers)
Propane may be used but only as a primary fuel source! (No injection)
Fuel cells allowed (not a mod)
Drive shaft hoops not required but Highly Recommended.
Diff lockers or spools allowed (Not a Mod)
Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules.
Super Stock:
Vehicle must retain 80% OEM structure (No gutting)
PPE – Arms and Legs must be covered – Non Polyester material
“Body swaps” Not allowed.
Tires must be DOT approved and limited to 35” in diameter
4 mods total allowed
Total overall lift limited to 6” (includes body and suspension combined (4-link and Traction control allowed ) ) (Mod)
Intake and Carb is one Mod
Fuel Injection - Increase in CFM and chip is one mod on GAS ONLY! (no chipped diesels!)
No blowers, aftermarket turbo's,
No performance enhancing fuels (nitrous, propane etc)
OEM engine swaps allowed (e.g. Chevy to Chevy, Ford to Ford, etc.) Example of overbuilding: S-10 with a 350 is less than the 80% OEM Rule
Gas or Diesel only (Diesels must be Stock HP no programmers)
Propane may be used but only as a primary fuel source! (No injection)
Fuel cells allowed (not a mod)
Driveline loops required. U-joint guards on differentials recommended
Diff lockers or spools allowed (Not a Mod)
Rad relocation allowed (Not a Mod)
Roll bar Recommended
No aftermarket Heads
No VP Racing fuel
No HP Rating
Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules.
Pro Stock:
Hood and windshield required.
PPE – Arms and Legs must be covered – Non Polyester material
OEM structure must be recognizable
Fibreglass body’s or tube frames not allowed.
Wheelbase must remain to body length. Wheels must fit under wheel wells.
Body swaps allowed.
Tires must be DOT approved and limited to 38” in diameter
No cut paddle or pivot tires.
No lift limit
No blowers or aftermarket turbo’s,
No nitrous – remove bottle, alcohol etc),
Gas, Diesel, and VP allowed
Propane may be used but only as primary fuel source! (No injection)
300 hp (## sea-level hp) limit rear wheel (ACTUAL)
Driveline loops required. U-joint guards on differentials mandatory.
No frame extensions
Transmission shield required only if transmission brake present.
Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules.
Hood and windshield required.
PPE – Arms and Legs must be covered – Non Polyester material
OEM structure must be recognizable
Fibreglass body’s or tube frames not allowed.
Axle placement must remain under oem frame.
Body swaps allowed.
Tires must be DOT approved and limited to 38.5” in diameter
No cut paddle or pivot tires.
No lift limit.
No blowers or aftermarket turbo’s,
No nitrous – remove bottle, alcohol ect
Gas, Diesel, and VP allowed
Propane may be used but only as primary fuel source! (No injection)
450 hp (## sea-level hp) limit rear wheel (ACTUAL)
Driveline loops required, U-joint guards on differentials mandatory
Roll bar is mandatory on unaltered OEM Cabs.
Altered cab must have a minimum 4 point Roll Cage with 5 point harness is mandatory.
Neck braces recommended.
Transmission shield required only if transmission brake present.
No frame extensions
Motor can be relocated but must remain under hood
Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules.
Super Modified:
Hood and windshield required or approved fire suit must be worn.
PPE – Arms and Legs must be covered – Non Polyester material
Body swaps allowed.
Tires must be DOT approved
No cut paddle or pivot tires.
No lift limit
No blowers or aftermarket turbo’s,
No nitrous-remove bottle, alcohol etc.
Gas, Diesel and VP allowed.
Propane may be used but only as a primary fuel source! (No injection)
Single carb only!
Any other engine mods ok.
Drive line loops and u-joint guard on differentials mandatory.
Roll bar is mandatory on unaltered OEM Cabs.
Altered cab must have a minimum 4 point Roll Cage with 5 point harness is mandatory.
Neck braces recommended.
Transmission Brake Allowed.
Transmission must have shield
No frame extensions.
Motor can be relocated but must remain under hood.
Axle placement must remain under oem frame.
Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules.
Hood and windshield required or approved fire suit must be worn.
PPE – Arms and Legs must be covered – Non Polyester material
Body swaps allowed.
Any tires any size.
No lift limit
No blowers/ superchargers or aftermarket turbo’s.
No nitrous-remove bottle, alcohol etc.
Gas, Diesel, VP allowed.
Diesel only – Twin turbo’s allowed
Propane may be used but only as a primary fuel source! (No injection)
Driveline loops, U-joint guards on differential Mandatory.
Roll bar is mandatory on unaltered OEM Cabs.
Altered cab must have a minimum 4 point Roll Cage with 5 point harness is mandatory.
Neck braces recommended.
Transmission Brake Allowed.
Transmission must have shield
Multiple carbs allowed.
Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules.
X Class
Hood and windshield required or approved fire suit must be worn.
PPE – Arms and Legs must be covered – Non Polyester material
Body swaps allowed
Any rubber tires any size
Forced air induction
Driveline loops & U-joint guards on differential mandatory
5 point harness mandatory and neck braces recommended
Must have a roll cage
Anything Goes
Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules.